Gentle + Classical Press: Unit 4 Activities
I am always with you. Matthew 28:20
Instead of printing out the statement, I decided to use our Cinema LED Lightbox.
Character + Cathecism
I am patient. I put off for later what I want right now.
Just like in Unit 2, I am still singing this to the tune of – “Are you sleeping?”
I’d also like to highlight that for this week, Audrey learn that books need proper and gentle care.
Birds fly in the sky
We use the Exotic Birds Toob by Safari Ltd as a visualization.
For the supplemental book, Into the woods by Loretta Krupinski
Math + Basic Skills
Blue & Yellow
I prepared a Color Basket for each color. This is an easy way to introduce color.
• Get any container
• Add toys according to colors
• Add labels. I use our flashcards here
• Display on their toy shelf
• Allow your child to be curious
Social Studies
Mommy’s name is ABBY
I made this printable from Word. I used the word art tool to make the Abby. Then, I laminated it.
Health + Safety
I can brush my teeth
Audrey already knows how to brush her teeth but I printed this worksheet from as supplemental for our lesson.
Motor Skills
Language Arts
Itsy Bitsy Spider
We have a few activities for this lesson.
- Book – Incy Wincy Spider that I got from Book For Less a few years ago. We also have a spider action figure that I purchased from Mr.DIY.
- Itsy Bitsy Spider easy to read printable from Simple Living, Creative Learning. I choose the Black and White version as Audrey loves to color these days.
- Itsy Bitsy Spider Story Sequencing by Simple Living, Creative Learning too. As you can see on the photo, it is not in the right order but it was all Audrey’s work.
- We also caught a live small spider. Audrey enjoyed observing the spider. We let the spider go after two hours. I got the Bug Catcher from National Bookstore.
Letter of the Unit
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