Review: Little Soles
Perhaps one of our guilty pleasures as a mom is when we dress up our babies with cute little outfits, however, finding a fashionable but at the same time, an affordable outfit can be a daunting task.
How can these tiny outfits be so expensive?
Some moms created a solution to our dilemma instead of accepting it as it is. They put up businesses so that we can have more affordable choices just like Andrea Faustino of Little Soles.

Little Soles sells stylish and flexible shoes for our little ones. They are available online. Sometimes they also join in mommy fairs like Momzilla.
It all started last year when Andrea wanted to get a cute loafer for Ynigo but upon checking the price tag she was shocked to see how expensive it was. She can’t justify this purchase considering that it will only be worn for a short amount of time (you know, kids grew up so fast!) She found few affordable loafers but she did not like the quality.
It was a light bulb moment for her. “Naisip ko magpaggawa na lang ako,” said Andrea. With the best intention, she looked for a talented shoemaker and sourced for good raw materials. She liked the prototype. She knew she could make a business out of it. “Since I decided to be a stay at home mom, naisip ko why not turn it into a business na lang. Magearn ako extra money even if I’m just at home,” she added.
Little Soles First Collection
Alex T Strap
- Little Soles Ph
- LittleSolesPh
- LittleSolesPh

I received 4 Little Soles products: Nicole in Gold and Silver & Alex in Gold and Silver
I got their smallest size which is 22. But if I’ll be comparing their shoe size vs. the ones from the mall; I can say that their products are bigger. Audrey can’t wear them yet because size 20 fits her best.
When you get your hands on their actual products, you’ll notice that they are made from premium raw materials. I am sure that these will last for a very long time.
Their products are more affordable. Sandals with the same style cost around Php 1,500 but theirs are way cheaper especially now that they have a clearance sale.

I was provided with a free product.
All thoughts and opinions expressed in blog are my own and not influence by the brand.
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